হেযবুত তওহীদ

মানবতার কল্যাণে নিবেদিত

Emam’s Speech in Central Conference

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to everyone. We gather here today at a time when major political conflicts are taking place in Bangladesh. Blockades, burning of vehicles, and terrorist programs have been going on in our country for months in the name of democratic rights. Currently, the Israel-Palestine conflict has reached its peak, and the Russia-Ukraine war has been ongoing for the past year, impacting people’s lives with rising prices of goods and increasing unemployment. Disoriented people are desperately looking for a way out.

As a solution to all these issues, we have a proposal that we would like to present. I hope everyone will listen to my speech at the end.

Dear audience,

As you know, one civilization dominates the entire world today. It is called Western Materialistic Civilization. The bearers of this civilization are full of pride. They are at the pinnacle of advancement in technology, science, communication, etc. They are exploring Mars, extracting mineral wealth from the depths of the earth and the sea, and controlling the North Pole and the South Pole. But this civilization has also caused two world wars. One hundred forty million people were killed there, and several times more were injured and maimed.

After the war, the United Nations was formed with the goal of world peace, many human rights organizations were created, and humanitarian laws were enacted. The strength of law enforcement agencies in each country has been increased. However, the war did not stop even for a day. In the last 75 years, at least 50 million people have lost their lives in the wars created by the pioneer states of this civilization.

Opening the pages of any country’s daily newspaper, one sees horrific descriptions of murders, rapes, disappearances, and riots. All types of crimes are increasing day by day. In every society there is the oppression of the strong over the weak, the exploitation of the rich over the poor, the injustice of the ruler over the ruled, the triumph of injustice over justice, the deprivation of the cunning over the innocent.

In simple terms, the world has become uninhabitable for humans today. Every moment, the earth is soaked in the blood of innocent children. In the Israel-Palestine conflict, innocent women and children have died in the thousands. The most terrifying and dangerous aspect of this civilization is that the war-mongering imperialist states have stockpiled at least 20,000 nuclear bombs.

They just want war. Because their economy is a war economy. Every year they sell trillions of trillions of dollars worth of weapons. As a result of these wars, how many millions of people will die, how many towns will be destroyed, how many women will be abused, how many children will die is not important to them. The more wars, the greater their economic power; Their dominion over the world will be strong. Just a few nuclear bombs are enough to destroy the entire world.

The question is, why they are not using nuclear bombs in these wars?

Because not humanity, not even the kind human feeling of how many women and children will be killed. The only reason for this fear is that if they go to kill an enemy, they themselves also will die. The United States knows that if it wants to destroy its enemy Russia, as soon as its Inter-continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) reach Russia and crush the Russian men and women into the ground, the Russian missiles will also be halfway across to The United States, and the US will face the same fate.

Russia also knows that if it wants to destroy the US, the same thing will happen with Russia. Not humanity, not kindness, not respect for justice, not aversion to injustice, not the feeling of how many millions of people, children, and animals will be killed – just a fear that if I kill the enemy, I will also die.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are proof that they are not refrain from this terrible massacre for the sake of humanity and justice. Only fear of their own consequences has kept them from using these destructive weapons against humanity. In mechanical diplomatic ‘civilized’ language it is termed as da’tat or deterrent.

It is no longer a secret today that it is the power of the enemy that prevents the world’s powerful nations from starting a catastrophic war. Former US President Gerald Ford clearly stated that “deterrent is nothing else – our military power is the greatest guarantee of peace.” In other words, the US is safe as long as the nuclear power is strong enough to destroy the attacker. Conversely, the same is true for Russia.

Both of them are standing with guns pointing at each other’s chest. No one is pulling the trigger just because one pulls the trigger, so will the other. And both will end. I do not agree with anyone who calls it civilization based on fear alone. It is not a civilization, it is merely a mechanical progress and such a state cannot continue indefinitely.

If people still do not understand that they need to leave the path of their soulless mechanical progress, utilize this technological advancement for the well-being of humanity, improve their soul and break the current social system, and build a new one, then whether it is today or tomorrow, pulling the trigger of the gun is inevitable.

So there is no way out? There is no way to survive? Will mankind be destroyed like this?

Our statement is – no. There is only one way to save mankind. That is – people have to abandon this ongoing unbalanced and wrong way of life.

This civilization has provided some technological successes to humanity. But man is not only a physical animal, the happiness of the body is not the only thing he wants. He also has a soul. So people can be extremely unhappy despite owning billions of dollars and living in ultimate comfort. Comfort and peace are completely different things. People are trying to get some comfort through material improvement. But it could not give them peace and security. Therefore, it cannot be called the ultimate success of humanity.

People are suffering from spiritual degradation day by day due to following this soulless system. One world is divided into two hundred nation-states. Every country has a different system of government. Each state is blindly depriving, exploiting, and attacking other states for their nation-state interests.

The majority oppresses the minority. There is daily conflict and bloodshed on the border. Every country is spending a lot of money to guard these borders. Economic inequality has become extreme as a result of the interest-based capitalist economy. Most of the world’s wealth is held in the hands of a few people. On the other hand, most people are suffering tremendously due to tax burden, debt burden, rise in commodity prices, inflation, etc.

One day the people of Europe dreamed of liberation through the French Revolution. The slogan of the French Revolution was Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. But it was the French who established colonies in different parts of the world, including Africa, deprived the people of other nations of their freedom, and imprisoned them in the chain of slavery.

The people of America also revolutionized to free themselves from Great Britain. There Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the emancipation of slaves. But even today black-white racism continues there. Still, whites around the world believe themselves to be the superior race. The aggressive policy of the United States on Muslim-majority countries proves that the American Revolution was only to ensure a better life for the people of their own country by trampling on humanity and thus protecting the interests of their state.

The slogan of the Russian Revolution was peace, land, and bread for the Soviet people. They introduced socialism. But in reality, socialism could not guarantee either that peace or bread. As a result, people rebelled, broke down the wall, and rejected socialism. Now the people of Ukraine are deprived of country, peace and bread because of that Russian attack. The repercussions of this war may have led to the beginning of the Third World War, as many military experts and political leaders are saying. This war has affected the economy of the whole world. So, how much did the Russian Revolution achieve its objectives?

Mao Zedong launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China and wanted to erase all capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society. For this, millions of people in their own country were killed. But that China is now a very capitalist country. Millions of Rohingya Muslims have been brutally deported to their sponsoring state, Myanmar. China has not uttered a single word against this genocide at the international level.

For the political freedom of the people, the pioneers of democracy in Europe established democracy at the cost of many people’s blood. Currently, democracy is functioning in 120 countries worldwide. But statistics say that in 88 countries, dictatorship is being practiced under the guise of democracy. These people are deprived of their political rights, fundamental rights, and human rights.

Where I am standing today is independent sovereign Bangladesh. Millions of people fought a bloody war against the dictatorial military rule of Pakistan in 1971 to achieve this independent country. Their objective was to establish a just, non-communal, exploitation-free society.

But in half a century of independence, we have seen road blockades, riots, and terrorist activities in the name of democracy. We have seen competition for power and interest among our political parties. They have corrupted the election. Our offices have been corrupted. Religion has been misused in politics. In our society, religious riots, extremism, and religious trade have reached extreme levels. As a result, an unstable and chaotic situation prevails everywhere.

Meanwhile, urbanization and industrialization are increasing around the world as a result of the practice of a consumerist lifestyle. Forests are being destroyed, rivers are dying, and reservoirs are filling up. Global warming is increasing due to environmental pollution and desertification, polar ice is melting and freshwater reserves are decreasing. Biodiversity is being destroyed. In this way, people are killing the green planet called Earth, the gift of the creator.

The question is, what is the solution to all these international, regional, local crises and natural disasters? Is there any solution at all? Or this way mankind will be destroyed?

Our point is that these crises are not self-inflicted. They are the result of our collective work. So people have to think about protecting the next generation.

They should think of a way of life that would improve them spiritually; It will also provide them with economic and social justice; It will also improve them scientifically. Such a system of life cannot be developed by man. It can only be formulated by Him who created man. In this case, if the issue of the creator is not taken into consideration, all calculations will be completely changed. No resolution can be reached.

We therefore have to come to some basic conclusions. It must be accepted that there is a creator of this universe. He created us all from one parent. That is why we all mankind belong to one nation. We are all brothers and sisters by creation. White-Black-Brown, European-African, Arab-Indian, Chinese-Russian, Mongoloid-Negroid-Australoid, Aryan-Non-Aryan, Semitic-Non-Semitic, Hindu-Muslim, Jewish-Christian, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Jain, Confucian, Maoist-Marxist-Leninist, Democratic-Socialist, rich and poor, all mankind is one nation, one family.

Every human being has equal rights over the land and water of this earth. No state system and no boundary can deprive him of this natural right. Any kind of oppression, discrimination, division, or partiality based on one’s faith, skin color, food habit, dress, language, culture, etc. is completely prohibited according to the law of the Creator. Due to differences in geography and climate, diversity in skin color, language, food habits, clothing, etc. are created. It is natural. But by this diversity, no division can be made between them as human beings.

Mankind can be divided into only two – good and evil. This standard of good and bad will be determined by the creator. So far it has not been possible for man to formulate any system of life that can justly fulfill all kinds of needs from his mental and spiritual needs to personal, family, social, political, economic, judicial, state, and international needs. But the Creator has sent His Messenger through the ages to every people with that balanced way of life which He Himself has created.

History testifies that as long as people followed the balanced way of life incarnated by the Creator, they enjoyed a golden age. Currently, among those scriptures, Torah, Jabur, Vedas, Bible, Tripitaka are still surviving as witnesses of time. Their moral teachings inspire hundreds of millions of people for spiritual purification. But human life is not only personal. Rather, his collective and state life is more important, because the state controls all human activities and behavior. So the Creator sent His last Messenger with a system of life, in which He imparted spiritual and moral education as well as a system of governing the world. He designated him as a guide for all mankind.

He also brought about a renaissance during his lifetime to transform the ignorant society. As a result, he transformed the backward Arab nation overnight, who were immersed in the darkness of ignorance and superstition, indulged in violence, deprived of the light of knowledge. As a result, he transformed the backward Arab nation overnight, which was immersed in the darkness of ignorance and superstition, indulged in violence, and deprived of the light of knowledge. Through his renaissance, a great civilization was established in half the world where human rights, economic prosperity, knowledge, new inventions, and military power were combined.

Unfortunately, after a few centuries, that progressive, balanced Creator-given way of life lost its vitality. The ruling class deviated from the original teachings of the Messenger of Allah and became engrossed in luxury. Their scholarly class began to over-interpret the secondary precepts of religion and disagreements broke out on various issues. As a result of their actions, the nation was broken into pieces. Eventually they were defeated militarily by various European nations. Today they have become the most oppressed population in the world.

In addition, extremist doctrines have been propagated in Muslim-majority countries in the name of Islam in recent times. As a result, a fear and negative perception of Islam has been created in the minds of other nations of the world. Global Islamophobia against the Muslim nation is systematically created through propaganda.

We, as Muslims, want to say clearly the peace-loving people of the world, various extremist groups have turned Islam into a terrorist doctrine by misinterpreting the Qur’an and Hadith. This is not real Islam. Those groups do not represent Allah and His Messenger. They are just using the spirit of Islam to achieve their goals.

The definition of terrorism is much debated. It has been said recently – who is a terrorist, Hamas or Israel? Who is the aggressor – Russia or the United States? We want to say clearly, whoever kills innocent people unjustly, violates human rights, expels people from their land – they are aggressors, they are terrorists; No matter what religion, state, or doctrine they belong to. Our ideological war against them continues and will continue.

Finally, the good news that we want to give you is that we have received the outline of a simple way of life sent by the Creator. We present that ideology to you, so that we may all come back from the brink of ultimate destruction.

Our call is to all mankind. Please know the ideals we present. We have been presenting it all over Bangladesh for the last 29 years. Millions of people in Bangladesh have already agreed with us. Currently, Hezbut Tawheed is a respectable, law-abiding, and non-political movement in Bangladesh.

We can assure mankind that if our proposed ideology is adopted, security, prosperity, progress, humanity, brotherhood, and justice- in a word peace will be established in society. We want an integral world where all mankind lives in peace under one system of life. We have found that way of life. Please visit Hezbut Tawheed‘s website, Facebook pages, and YouTube channel to know our statement. Thank you all.

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