First Thought
First Thought The animal called Man that dominates the whole wide world today vainly believes that he stands at the peak of civilization. He truly

How Can Students Contribute to Resolving the Global Crisis?
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem How Can Students Contribute to Resolving the Global Crisis? Determining Students’ Life Goals Nowadays, students in Colleges, Universities, and Madrasas frequently orient

HM SALIM RUN 10K 2024: Hezbut Tawheed member’s Marathon race in Dhaka
The ‘HM SALIM RUN 10K 2024‘ marathon competition, organized with great enthusiasm, took place in the capital city Dhaka, Bangladesh, with the active participation of

Emam’s Speech in Central Conference
Dear brothers and sisters, Greetings to everyone. We gather here today at a time when major political conflicts are taking place in Bangladesh. Blockades, burning

Ensuring a workplace is a significant challenge
As International Workers’ Day approaches, the focus intensifies on the assertion of labour rights, including workplace safety, increased wages, daily working hours, health, and more.

Savar and Ishwardi: Two Incidents What message are the religious extremists conveying to Bangladesh?
The first incident occurred in Savar, Dhaka. In the description of the incident, in the Jhauchar area of Savar, a person named Anwar recently joined

Let’s move away from the politics of the day and come together on the path of solutions; Hossein Mohammad Selim.
Let’s move away from the politics of the day and come together on the path of solutions; Hossein Mohammad Selim. On May 1, 1886, in

What does Islam want?
What does Islam want? Allah Almighty has sent millions of prophets and messengers from father Adam to the last prophet to guide mankind. The previous

Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated all over the Muslim world
Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated all over the Muslim world, which is also known as Eid-ul-Azha. We have a saying in Bengali, real happiness is not in